Demo products
AI-generated feedback & grading of essays, to same standard as teacher's own comments.Formative assessments auto-generated by AI for enhanced learning efficiency
Quickly build up questions from trusted content, including specifying custom grading rules in plain English
Deliver step-by-step, in-depth personalized feedback and explanations to students
Access reporting, including individual and aggregated results
Advanced AI technologies to create documents from industry-specific databases that are fully searchable in plain English.Generate accurate documents from your content
Ensure confidence in results with no hallucinations/making up facts
Confirm compliance and accuracy with responses that include citations
AI integrations to quickly turn lecture notes into a video-based academic course, MOOC or corporate training session.Streamline asynchronous online course creation
Include AI-generated text, slides, quizzes and engaging lecture videos
Significantly reduce time and expense, especially with automated video post-production
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